- The Dark Knight has a completely self contained story line. It makes absolutely no references to Batman Begins. Just one logical plot line with a beginning, middle, and end. Dark Knight Rises has almost no story line at all if stripped of its references to past events. I understand Christopher Nolan was looking to conclude the series but honestly, why did the League of Shadows need to be brought back up?
- The effect put on Tom Hardy's voice by the mask makes much of Bane's dialogue difficult to understand. Heath Ledger's take on the Joker's voice is chilling and creepy AND it's easy to understand.
- Although neither movie is a direct adaptation of a single comic book story line, the Dark Knight changed relatively little about the Joker, making it comic book accurate Joker story that is not canonical to the comic books. The Dark Knight Rises changed a lot of things from the comic books that didn't need to be changed (i.e. Bane having some sort of British accent rather than a Hispanic accent, Bane being addicted to an analgesic rather than Venom, etc.)
- Bane goes down far too abruptly. The capture of the Joker takes its time and develops; by the time Batman catches him, it feels right. Not the case with Bane. Batman is fighting him one minute and Selina Kyle kills him the next.
- The Dark Knight Rises attempts to create and resolve too many subplots and accordingly feels jumpy at times. The Dark Knight plays out smoothly.
- The Dark Knight is a BATMAN movie. The Dark Knight Rises is far more of a BRUCE WAYNE movie. Don't understand? Go rewatch them both.
**There are more reasons in my mind, but I'm too tired to go on right now. Will update eventually.**
But for everything that the Dark Knight Rises does wrong, there are still many things I think it does right. A few quick examples include:
- The snapping of Batman's back over Bane's knee - just like the comics.
- It is not Bruce Wayne who ultimately defeats Bane - in the comics it was Jean-Paul Valley, in the movie it's Selina Kyle.
- I love that they referenced Robin in any capacity, but would it really have been so wrong to make Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character's name be Dick Grayson or Tim Drake rather than John Blake? (Also, I really would have liked to see the Nolanverse Robin suit, but I think the implication is that John Blake takes over as Batman and that Robin is just his first name, not his superhero identity.)
- The "Bat" from the Dark Knight Rises (the Nolanverse Batplane) is way cooler than the Tumbler (Nolanverse Batmobile).
I could go on, but I'd just be naming specific scenes.
Side note: Why have Batman movies been shrouded in tragedy lately? With Dark Knight, we lost Heath Ledger and with Dark Knight Rises came the Colorado shooting. Maybe it's a hint from a higher power, Warner Bros, that you shouldn't make a new Batman flick for a while (for those that don't know, the Nolanverse Batman flicks end with Dark Knight Rises and the studio is already planning on rebooting the Batman movies again to tie in to the Justice League movie).
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